I have been holding workshops at schools and libraries since 2006, primarily How To Draw Manga lessons for children or young adults. If you are interested in lessons for aspiring professionals, I recommend you read about my Comic Making Lessons.
My Manga workshops are either 1 or 2 hours long and focus on character creation and generating an idea for a story. I have also made 1-5 day courses for school break activities. I am gender positive and do not gender the characters or specific attributes, so not to steer the students towards gender stereotypes.
1 hour Manga Workshop
I teach step by step with instructions on a whiteboard or similar, how to make a manga character’s face with simple tricks that lets even the least experienced make a finished portrait of their character within this 1 hour lesson. This lesson is suitable for 8 year olds and older.
2 hour Manga Workshop
I teach both face and body design for manga characters and even how to draw clothes and basic movement. This lesson is suitable for 10 year old and older.
Previous workshops:
At libraries in Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg, Karlshamn, Stenbacka, Knivsta, Uppsala, Skellefteå, Rosengård, Kristianstad, Tollarp, Gamlegården, Västra Frölunda, Åkarp, Arlöv, Lund, Emmaboda, Gislaved, Tidaholm, Kristianstad, Jönköping, Backa, Helsingborg, Glumslöv, Ryd, Ekholmen, Landskrona, Vellinge, Stadsarkivet in Malmö, TioTretton in Stockholm and Balagan in Malmö, among others.
At the bookstore Barnes & Nobles Huntington Beach in Los Angeles, USA.
At the festivals and exhibitions AverstaArt, LitteraLund, Staffanstorps kulturkalas, Grafikens Hus in Mariefred, among others.
At the schools Dammfriskolan in Malmö, Ärentunaskolan in Uppsala, Internationella Engelska skolan in Lund, Svaleboskolan in Veberöd, International School of the Gothenburg Region, Midgårds skola in Svalöv, Ribersborgsskolan in Malmö, Pilevallskolan in Trelleborg, among others.
3-5 day school break courses at Möllegården Kultur in Åkarp, Kulturhuset Björnen in Åstorp, Barbacka in Hässleholm, among others.